Classes | Power Yoga

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Anywhere Anytime

•11 min •Brian Gallo

Zen principles in plain English. In this practice, we’ll create some internal space and begin to retain autonomy over our focus and attention. Grab a comfortable seat and let’s begin.

Jonesing For More

•72 min •Bryan Kest

Thu, 09/30/21: With an upper body strengthening sequence as our warmups, we move through an eclectic class of lunges, crunges, triangles and cryangles, spread leg poses and a sweet floor sequence ending in the deep hip stretch the pigeon.


•68 min •Bryan Kest

Tue, 05/24/22: After warming up we enter a dynamic little standing sequence which is mainly leg and core strength. Afterwards a sweet floor sequence including inversions.

Hips & Rainbows

•35 min •Tracey Goldman

Lots of hips and side body strengthening, with no sun salutations, culminating in pigeon pose and sweet stretches to cool down.

Inner Peace

•58 min •Dan Ward

A calming and peaceful practice, with deep stretches and balancing poses, moving with breath and acceptance.


•64 min •Byron de Marsé

Coming full circle starting with and ending in Savanah, holding long passive poses in-between to focused on going deep with breath, softening to release muscles tension and connective tissue.

Reprieve from Neck & Shoulder Strain

•27 min •Melissa Mercedes

Take a break from the physical demands of our digitally dominated society, and focus on reversing the rounding of shoulders and chest that is often associated with texting, sitting behind a computer or driving all day.

See More

•67 min •Dan Ward

Use Asana to yoke your awareness and ultimate purpose.

What is Yoga?

•2 min •Bryan Kest

2 min. FAQ…

For the Love of Truth

•87 min •Michelle Goldstein

Get into the hips, work the core, and some twists.

Ever So Peaceful Flow

•70 min •Bryan Kest

Mon, 6/14/21: Taking a break from lunges, crunges, arm balances and cryangles we generate heat with a sweet standing sequence then spend a little extra time stretching in out on the floor. meditation.

Alt or Kolsh…you’re gonna need one after this class

•70 min •Bryan Kest

05/12/22: Using all three warmup sequences this class is the yoga version of sprinting. Although a very complete class the emphasis here is vigor (cardio & stamina) meditation included.

Breath Flow

•68 min •Tracey Goldman

Warm-up slowly and mindfully, transitioning into a gradual steady flow with room for exploration of body and external awareness.

Sweet Side Body Practice

•92 min •Steve Jones

This practice will bring awareness to your side body mixing strength with stretch.

Seated Twist

•4 min •Bryan Kest

Possibilities & Suggestions.

Stronger and Longer

•97 min •Bryan Kest

Sun, 05/29/22: Yin and Yang and everything in between. Slow, gentle, long and strong. Loads of balance and strength complimented with deep stretches. This is truly a dynamic and all-encompassing flow!…

Kids Yoga: Sun Salutation

•7 min •Amanda Huggins

A fun class to understand the basic movements of Sun Salutation!…

Spilling Like Honey Out Of The Jar

•103 min •Bryan Kest

Sun, 11/07/21: This class may be the longest, smoothest, most all encompassing yoga flow I have ever taught. We touch every range of motion and every nook and cranny, yet somehow over touching nothing with a sweet meditation to end. Enjoy!…

Humble Warrior

•102 min •Bryan Kest

Sun, 09/26/21: Yes this class includes the humble warrior pose along with the rest of this eclectic flow. We enter this class like a lamb (yin) and we build into a warthog (vigorous) and then we end back like a lamb.

Chair Yoga: Total Chair Situation

•32 min •Dan Ward

Relaxing and energizing, this class will work you, so you can really let go. It includes serious backbends and inversions. Proceed with caution, take your time, and have some fun with this Chair Yoga Series.

From The Ground Up

•48 min •Steve Jones

Starting with the feet then working our way up, you will gently activate, energize and stretch your whole body.

Power Yoga ‘Backbends’

•30 min •Travis Eliot

This Power Yoga “Backbends” – 30 min. practice will flow you through a sequence focusing on opening both the physical and subtle heart.

Building Basics into Dynamics

•80 min •Byron de Marsé

Practice rounding from the spine building heat and strength while working through a series of quick apexes.

Smooth Move

•68 min •Bryan Kest

Wed, 2/03/21 – This class is one long smooth flow. The tone is gentle and fluid and the class will suit almost any mood. No crazy hard poses in this class, yet you have the ability to take the poses as far as you like.


•65 min •Bryan Kest

Mon, 11/02/20 – This class is classic Bryan yet unique as well. It is as balanced of a class as Bryan teaches with equal proportions of upper body, mid body and lower body strength. Plenty of dynamic activity, balancing and also some deep long stretches.


•36 min •Steve Jones

Work your way into some deep stretches using your strength to create heat.

Dancer’s Moon

•70 min •Bryan Kest

Tue, 1/19/21 – A very approachable sequence that will certainly challenge you. Salutations, arm balances, leg balances, spinal twists, floor stretches, inversions and meditation. This class has it all!…

Meditation Preparation

•31 min •Steve Jones

Release tension from your spine with a series of twists, followed by a hip opening sequence to prepare your body for seated meditation.