Power Yoga Tips – Bryan Kest’s Advice & Information | Power Yoga


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The Absurdity Series
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Yoga & Health

The Absurdity of Wealth

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

In general, us humans have an unhealthy and misguided obsession with wealth. It’s obvious that our entertainment and news media support and facilitate our obsession but I’m wondering where it comes from? Not that it really matters, what matters is it exists and needs a light shined on it so… Read More

The Absurdity of Marketing

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

What’s the difference between advertising and marketing. To me it feels like there is a big difference although there may be no difference at all. It seems like a long time ago businesses or other entities would use advertising to let people know that they are there and that they… Read More

The Absurdity of Measuring Gains

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

One of the more harmful tendencies in fitness is measuring gains. Measuring progress is incredibly detrimental to your health as you have nothing rational to measure against as this moment is unique, and your experience is being influenced by so many tangible and intangible things. To try to… Read More

The Great Balancing Act

Mental Health ● Bryan Kest

For every disease cured a new one takes its place. For every war ending a new one is beginning. For every gadget invented there is an adverse effect. For every technological invention there is more disconnection For all the ease there is more stress For… Read More

Self-Discipline and Damage

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Like everything else in life it’s important to find the balance. Self-discipline is a very important ingredient towards accomplishment. You could describe self-discipline as pushing oneself towards where one wants to be. The word discipline connotes difficulty or challenge as other- wise discipline wouldn’t be necessary as the “discipline” is… Read More

Yoga Buffet

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Next time you go to a yoga class look at it as a buffet. The instructor like the chef offers you a load of possibilities and within those possibilities you pick what you’d like to do, how much you’d like to do and what modifications you want. Just like a… Read More

Letting Go

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

“All knowledge comes from experience everything else is just information” – Albert Einstein. In a way the universe is kind as initially, probably between the age of 35 and 40, you get your first wrinkle or grey hair. At the sight of this wrinkle many people will run to the… Read More

The Absurdity of Humanity – Part 4

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

What are humanities’ biggest problems and how can we solve them? The answer to this is simple buts its implementation is so difficult that nobody wants to even acknowledge it’s the answer. Even though we all, through our moral and ethical allegiance to the teachings and examples of Jesus, Buddha,… Read More

The Absurdity of Celebrity

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

I am truly mystified by celebrity culture. How anybody could possibly admire a celebrity simply because they are famous is befuddling. This seems to lack common sense. Why should a celebrity get the attention, privilege, and admiration a plumber, farmer, schoolteacher, or nurse doesn’t get? I am aware that celebrities… Read More

Kids Yoga

The Absurdity of Humanity – part 2

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

This world has one problem and its problem has always been the same problem! This problem is the foundation of all other problems such as mental stress, physical toxicity, environmental toxicity, violence, poverty, inequality, and most disease. Due to technological advancements, these other problems have… Read More

The Absurdity of The Woke-ism

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

As I witness the utter ugliness of the Woke liberal policies, policies that are allowing young children to make life-altering, health and medical decisions, and criminals are allowed to do as they please with no consequences. As I watch obesity being accepted as good and normal. As I watch history… Read More

The Absurdity of Walking

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Walking as an exercise? What’s that about? Many studies say walking is the absolute healthiest exercise. But walking is completely egotistically non-appeasing. You might be wondering, what are the benefits of walking? In my culture health is constantly associated with an aesthetically pleasing body. For women, this means a… Read More

Healthy Mind Healthy Body

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Simply put yoga is about health and wellness. Gratitude is a benevolent, healthy mind state. Benevolent mind states are the root of health and wellness, not only within the body but throughout the world. It’s impossible to have gratitude more than you may already have it if you’re… Read More

health manifesto

A Real Health Manifesto

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Developing the Backdrop of Our Life Health “Vitality”. Vitality represents strength, vibrancy, alertness, and energy. Vitality means “Life force”! Vitality doesn’t look a certain way as one would not expect a vital 25-year-old to look or be like a vital 85-year-old. In other words, Vitality doesn’t mean you stay young… Read More

coping with low testosterone

Manopause: Coping with Low Testosterone

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Strangely I had never heard of the term “manopause” until recently. Menopause is a very well-known stage of a woman’s life that has been widely documented, addressed, and discussed. Most of us probably know or have known, at least one lady (probably many more) who has voiced their… Read More

what is a yogi

What is a Yogi?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

If you practice yoga or not, you’ve probably heard the term “yogi” before. So what is a yogi?  There are yogis of all shapes, sizes, personalities, styles, paths, and practices. That is because a yoga practice is not defined by someone’s outer appearance; it’s defined by… Read More

exercises for mindfulness

Exercises for Mindfulness

Mental Health ● Bryan Kest

Mindfulness really means “being mindful”. What are we supposed to be mindful of? The answer to the question is kind of tricky. You should be mindful of anything you want. So, what I’m saying is there isn’t anything you need to be mindful of other than the thing you want to be mindful of. Is this making sense?  Read More

Integrating Meditation Into Daily Life

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Life is busy! Although technology has made some tasks easier it has allowed us to take on more! Our attention is being pulled in multiple directions, simultaneously creating much more stress than any other time in recorded history. Never before has meditation been so important to our health. Read More

Yoga and Aging Gracefully

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Is yoga a good workout to tone your body? Well, we’ve got two reasons as to why there isn’t any other fitness regimen more ubiquitous than yoga. 1) it may be the most rational fitness regime in existence. There is no other exercise that combines strength, flexibility, stamina, balance, and cardio all while enhancing every range of motion and exposing and caring for every nook and cranny. 2) The way it leaves you feeling. Pretty much like a lover, not a fighter. In other words, you are chill, all is good, whatever happened ain’t as bad. It's a great feeling! Read More

What is vinyasa yoga?

How to Add Online Yoga to Your Daily Routine in 2021

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Is yoga a good workout to tone your body? Well, we’ve got two reasons as to why there isn’t any other fitness regimen more ubiquitous than yoga. 1) it may be the most rational fitness regime in existence. There is no other exercise that combines strength, flexibility, stamina, balance, and cardio all while enhancing every range of motion and exposing and caring for every nook and cranny. 2) The way it leaves you feeling. Pretty much like a lover, not a fighter. In other words, you are chill, all is good, whatever happened ain’t as bad. It's a great feeling! Read More

what is intermediate yoga

The Absurdity of Not Letting Go

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

There are many universal laws yet underlining all of them is the law of “change.” You cannot imagine anything that you will not have to say goodbye to because everything will change. The philosophy of yoga is rooted in the statement that all human suffering comes from one place and that place is called “attachment.” Read More

why yogis love sleep

The Essence of a Yoga Pose

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

All movements can be healing. Then again, all movements can be harmful. What makes the same yoga pose healing or harmful? When I first considered this question, what popped into my head was “one’s intention within the movement.” In other words, do you want the movement to be healing or is there another purpose? Read More

disadvantages of western medicine

The Absurdity of Western Medicine

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

The title of this article may seem absurd to some, especially if you’re an M.D., D.O., Physician’s Assistant, nurse or simply have benefitted from allopathy. Believe it or not, this piece will not be a condemnation of allopathy (allopathy has way too much good) yet it will illustrate in the writer’s view at least its absurdity. Read More

benefits of yoga nidra

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

The translation here is “Yoga Sleep”. There is no doubt that this is not only a relaxation technique, but I would also say this is the premiere relaxation technique. Personally, I have been practicing yoga for 40 years and I have never seen a type of yoga practice or any practice and/or endeavor that offers the relaxation benefits that this does. Read More

western fitness

The Absurdity of Western Fitness

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Psychological fact (I’ve been told): "The more you see something, the more you believe it." What if all I’ve seen is wrong? Western-based health and wellness practices (exercises) are misguided and completely inappropriate for health and wellness. It’s like a story I’ve been told so much, I believe it. Read More

what is yin yoga practice

What is Yin Yoga Practice?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is yin yoga? You have heard the phrase “yin and yang” or you could say feminine or masculine. If not, I believe the words originated in China. They describe the polar opposites like feminine and masculine or negative and positive. Read More

unlocking the chakras

The Power in Unlocking the Chakras

Yoga & Health ● Melissa Mercedes

Chakras represent the main energy centers of the body. They are essentially the container that holds your body’s energy (or prana.) Our behaviors—from what we eat to what we say to what we watch—can directly influence the health and aliveness of this intricate system. Read More

beginners guide to yoga

Beginner’s Guide to Yoga

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

A beginner’s guide to yoga could include many different topics. Honestly, it could be a book and there are probably many books on this topic. Just describing the different styles of yoga could be a book, let alone the topics that could be created in introducing yoga. When I first… Read More

psoas yoga

Psoas Yoga, Shall We?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

I learned the importance of this muscle in my effort to heal my back injury. As I was visiting orthopedics, chiropractors, massage therapists, and many other allopathic and holistic practitioners, I started hearing about this muscle and its connection literally to the lower back area of our body. This is when I first started looking for yoga poses for the psoas. My search intensified as one practitioner told me he believed a lot of lower back issues begin with atrophy in this muscle. Read More

freedom yoga

Freedom Yoga

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

The title of this blog is so apropos towards the multi-faceted benefits of yoga. I will not speak about what I have read pertaining to this subject, I will only speak about my experience. So, when reading this you will know how a yoga practice has affected someone and, therefore, there’s a good chance you will get a similar effect. Read More

Bryan Kest doing a yoga pose in a living room.

Free Online Yoga Classes

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Free online content is as old as the internet and free yoga online is no different. This is one of the perks of the internet. YouTube is virtually all free. Most times, more so than not, we do pay for free content if that makes sense. Let me explain: You may not pay money for content but you may have to put up with ads, pop-up windows, or the likes. Same as if you want to watch the Super Bowl in real time, you have to deal with the commercials. Internet ads and pop-ups are virtually internet commercials. Same as the ads in a newspaper or magazine. Read More

A class of yoga students sitting on mats

To Be Or Not To Be A Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

Do you want to share your yoga practice and the myriad of benefits with others? If so, then you would want the best yoga teacher training right? Now, “the best” may mean different things to different people so let’s clarify. First, what type of yoga are you interested in sharing? Read More

amazing reasons to do yoga

Some Amazing Reasons to Do Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

This phrase “Do yoga with me” has never been more practical or even possible. The very young might not know too much differently than the internet and all that it entails, but everyone older than say, about 40 years old, knows it wasn’t long ago that to participate in a yoga class you had to show up in person. Read More

the problem with traditions

The Absurdity of Tradition

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

There are many great traditionalists, but the greatest of the great were non-traditionalists. They were non-conformist and they were non-dogmatic! Jesus was a non-conformist. So was Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King Jr. Mahatma Gandhi and the greatest yogi, Gautama the Buddha all had new ideas and another way. Read More

power yoga bryan krest pure yoga

Is Pure Yoga Really Pure?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

“Pure Yoga” can mean many things to many people. Like many studio names, class names, and style names, so many people are looking to differentiate themselves and their classes, styles and studios with cool, interesting names that attract people and work well in branding. For example, “Pure Hot Yoga” sounds pretty catchy. Read More

Best Yoga Videos

Best Yoga Videos – Do They Really Exist?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Honestly, objectively speaking, there is no “Best yoga video” because yoga is so very personal. Your appreciation of a yoga class whether it’s online or on video or in person is dependent on so many variables. For instance: your constitution, age, personality, energy level, injuries, and experience. And there are actually so many more variables. Read More

The General Benefits of Yoga

Yoga Benefits ● Melissa Mercedes

We are living in unprecedented times, both domestically and globally. With uncertainty stemming from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) swirling around us on a daily basis, now, more than ever, is a potentially transformational opportunity for us to implement our “spiritual skills” that we work so diligently to nurture and strengthen. Regardless… Read More

How to Teach Yoga?

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

I like to describe teaching yoga like this: Let’s say your grandma has a great recipe for chicken soup. You love this chicken soup, it’s amazing!!! Your grandma gave you her recipe, and now you cook chicken soup all the time. One day your friend comes to your house to visit.They… Read More

benefits of online yoga

Benefits of Online Yoga Classes

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

When COVID-19 first started, our options for exercise classes become limited. However, this shift also made many of us realize that online fitness poses a number of positives. The list of benefits of online yoga classes could go on and on. What I have been surprised to discover is that… Read More

why yogis love sleep

The Absurdity of Sleep

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Does yoga help me sleep better? Does meditation help me sleep better?If you could break wellness into parts like you cut a pie into pieces, one substantial piece would be sleep. The other parts of the pie include diet, exercise, and mental/emotional contentment!  Understanding yoga’s history and origin,… Read More

what is intermediate yoga

What is Intermediate Yoga?

Yoga & Health ● Melissa Mercedes

Aloha yogis!I wanted to share with you some information on a topic in the yoga world that does not garner much attention, but it is always nice to have as a reference point to guide and support you on your journey into yoga! Especially if you are completely… Read More

New Year Resolution Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Melissa Mercedes

Wow…where do I begin? The topic of “New Year’s resolutions” can seem on the face of it, vast and daunting! For those of us who are driven and Type A personalities most likely have this innate desire to push, accomplish, thrive at whatever it is we set our minds… Read More

is power yoga good for beginners

Is Power Yoga Good for Beginners?

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Power Yoga is well-suited for a diverse range of people and certainly, beginners are within that range. Personally, I feel that power yoga is the best place for beginners to start their yoga journey. Yet, I am biased toward the type of Power Yoga I share. Unlike many other types… Read More

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga: History, Info and Practice

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Ashtanga yoga postures and Ashtanga yoga sequences. If you are looking for a place to go to practice Ashtanga yoga, and its lesser known pranayama (breathing technique) sequence and a few even lesser known practices like neti (cleansing of nasal passage using a waxed string), you may have to travel… Read More

yoga for stress

Yoga for Stress During the Holidays

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

You could say yoga for holiday stress is what yoga was created for! Yet the truth is yoga is for all stress! Yoga for stress is a well-documented topic. Google yoga stress relief or holiday stress and yoga, and you will find much information. Understand the stress that’s being… Read More

what does the word yoga mean

The Literal Meaning of Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Yoga Means “To Yoke” What is yoga? What is the meaning of yoga? All styles, systems, and practices of yoga have the same objective: union, enlightenment, or “to yoke”. The differences would be in the methodology in attaining yoga’s goal.  So, to define yoga we have to be clear whether… Read More

gratitude yoga

Gratitude Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

How does yoga help you express your gratitude? Why do we practice yoga? The common answer is health and/or wellness. What detracts from wellness more than stress? What is more opposite of stress than gratitude? How do we incorporate a gratitude yoga practice? Yoga and gratitude are like parent and… Read More

new yoga classes

New Yoga Classes & Event Updates

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Lot’s happening here at Power Yoga, probably not too dissimilar from wherever this blog post finds you. Yet yoga is such a positive and healing addition to whatever is happening in our lives. As busy as you are, you might be interested in these new yoga… Read More

is yoga good for weight loss

Is Yoga Good For Weight Loss

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Important Questions about Yoga, Weight Loss, and Wellness Let’s address these and many other questions pertaining to yoga and weight loss. Is yoga good for weight loss? Can you lose weight with yoga? What types of yoga are good for weight loss? Is Power Yoga good for weight loss? How… Read More

longevity and breath rate

The Absurdity of This Theory

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

If it is true that the oldest, living, animals breathe the slowest, shouldn’t we look at breath rate when considering longevity?  Since there is a direct connection between health and longevity, we would want to look into breath rate and its connection to health. Longevity and breath rate go hand… Read More

finding joy in failure

The Absurdity of Failure

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Finding Joy in Failure Progress is two steps forward and one step back (kind of). It could actually be two steps forward and 10 steps back, then 12 steps forward. You get the point. Yet, what is not commonly embraced is the fact that those two steps back are part… Read More

What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is vinyasa flow yoga? Vinyasa is literally 3 movements: plank, cobra or up dog and down dog. These movements are used with breath to connect other poses to each other as you would connect a high-pitched sound to a low-pitched sound with something in the middle so… Read More

Bryan Kest doing a yoga pose in a living room.

High Quality Online Yoga Classes

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

The future is here and online yoga seems to be the best alternative for many people. Of course, high-quality yoga classes are the most desirable so let’s look at this “high quality” thing. High-quality yoga classes might be different than a high-quality website. Obviously, both would be preferred. I have… Read More

what is yoga asana

The Brilliant Absurdity of Yoga Asana

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

What is yoga asana? The simplicity and practicality of yoga asana are mind-bending. We have made exercise and fitness so complicated with the multitude, or mountain, of ideas and philosophies. I like that old saying, “Keep it simple, stupid.” That’s what yoga does! Everybody knows you cannot take care of… Read More

reaching health goals with yoga

Reaching Health Goals with Yoga

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Wow, where to begin. You know you can easily Google “yoga for health“ or “what does yoga help with“ or “physical benefits of yoga,“ and I think you would be blown away at all yoga can accomplish and yoga’s health benefits. If you’re looking to improve your overall… Read More

What is vinyasa yoga?

Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is Vinyasa yoga? Define Vinyasa yoga. What does Vinyasa yoga mean What should I expect from a Vinyasa yoga class? Can I practice Vinyasa yoga via video? Is a Vinyasa yoga video equal to a class? What is the difference between Vinyasa and Hatha? What is Vinyasa flow… Read More

healing power of yoga

The Healing Power of Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

How to Keep Our Head Straight Through The Swirl That’s Enveloping Us When I was around 14, living with my mother in suburban Detroit, my father approached me and asked me (at my mother’s request) if I’d like to live with him in Hawaii. I said, “Sure, Dad,” even though… Read More

what are the health benefits of yoga

What Are the Health Benefits of Yoga?

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Wow, where to begin. You know, you can easily google “yoga for health,“ or “what does yoga help with,“ or “physical benefits of yoga,“ and I think you would be blown away at all yoga can accomplish and yoga’s health benefits. What I want to express here is my 38… Read More

how yoga can improve culture

Cultural Absurdity

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

How Yoga Can Improve Culture We certainly are not an advanced culture, and any thought that we are will only hinder us from ever achieving it. Truth is, I’m not sure there is one. Most cultures are still dealing with Stone Age problems like hunger, racism, crime, disease, poverty, and… Read More

finding the beauty of aging

The Absurdity of Aging (Part 2)

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Finding the Beauty of Aging This is a reflection on the powerful process of letting go, and the peace and wisdom that ensues. This reflection is a counterbalance to our culture’s negative mentality towards aging. Attention all baby boomers: the end is coming. Are you prepared? 🙂 Those in your… Read More

how body types affect fitness performance

The Absurdity of the Six Pack

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

How body types look different and how exercise affects different bodies differently I have a six-pack – you just can’t see it. Some people naturally, without any exercise or special diet, have a very lean and cut body. It’s not common, but it exists. Some people have very fleshy bodies,… Read More

yoga for pregnancy

Yoga for Emotional Eating

Yoga & Health ● Melissa Mercedes

When I was in graduate school writing my dissertation, I would sit at my computer for long periods of time in the “writing zone.” During this time, I often had within arm’s reach a six-pack container of gluten-free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. I would inhale these cookies within an… Read More

overcoming fear with mindfulness

The Absurdity of Fear

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Overcoming Fear with Mindfulness Fear can be rational and is, at times, necessary and important. And yet, it can be totally and completely irrational. These days, a lot of the time it is unnecessary and harmful. Differentiating between the two is about as helpful and important to our health and… Read More

addressing toxic masculinity

The Absurdity of Machismo

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Addressing Toxic Masculinity The term toxic masculinity really sums up the “macho” attitude and mentality. We live in a culture that emphasizes and admires the tough, rugged, aggressive man. Our culture is certainly not alone in this mentality, actually, it is a very rare culture that doesn’t embrace machismo. You… Read More

Best Online Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Why is poweryoga.com the best online yoga? Well, actually we might not be! Even though many might feel we are. We do offer a high-quality experience, which means the techies who built poweryoga.com knew what they were doing; with its symmetry and ease of use, it’s a comfortable place to… Read More

dietary essentials of healthy living

The Absurdity of Proper Diet

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

The global wellness economy is 4.2 trillion dollars, more than half of the 7.3 trillion global health expenditures. My guess is that diet is a big factor in wellness spending. With so much money at stake, you will find many people and companies touting the next great thing: from vegan… Read More

fitness yoga for beginners

Fitness Yoga for Beginners

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Which yoga is best for fitness? What is fitness yoga? Is there fitness yoga for beginners? You might find yourself asking these questions – but first things first – fitness yoga might not be what you think of when you think of “fitness.” It might not be too far away… Read More

Yoga Buffet

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

How would I describe my yoga classes? They’re a yoga buffet. That’s my answer to what my classes are (or at least one of them). In a sense, this is what most all classes are, except for the rigid and dogmatic styles or types of yoga classes that… Read More

The Absurdity of Relationships

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Healthy relationships start with the relationship we have with ourselves! All relationships are enhanced and thrive under the same conditions, just as all relationships are hindered under the same conditions. This includes the relationship we have with ourselves. Developing the qualities that heal and enhance the relationship you have with… Read More

Free yoga videos

Free Yoga Videos

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

You could say the best yoga videos are free yoga videos. I wouldn’t say that, though. Free is nice, no doubt, but what is nicer is quality. So let’s start again, the best yoga videos are high-quality free yoga videos! High-quality is not a reference to the photography, although high… Read More

Loving Kindness and Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

You can find loving kindness with yoga, I did. Loving kindness is the natural by-product of my yoga practice and my growth as a yogi. To be a yogi is to desire and strive for my potential. I’m not sure how that will look yet I can keep moving… Read More

Online Yoga Classes

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

I would venture to say the best yoga classes are online yoga classes! Now certainly that’s not a rule, and there are other factors such as cost. The cost of online classes is much more affordable, which helps many to access yoga content. How about free online yoga classes? There… Read More

success is not

The Absurdity of Success

Mental Health ● Bryan Kest

When I spoke to my 16-year-old nephew about success, I was reminded of the fact that society’s opinions and beliefs about success impact even our own children. These opinions and beliefs are what we all are seeing, and therefore believing. Our topic was, “What is a successful business person?” My… Read More

Yoga New Year’s Resolutions

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Is yoga on your New Year’s resolution list? Would you like to make yoga your New Year’s resolution? This is a tough topic to write about, as New Year’s resolutions for yoga seekers or anybody don’t seem to stick for very long. Why is that? If these New Year’s yoga… Read More

Definition of yoga

The Definition of Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is yoga? What is the meaning of yoga? The definition of yoga or its goal would be the same as the Power Yoga definition and goal. All styles, systems and practices of yoga should have the same objective of union, enlightenment or ????  The differences would be in… Read More

embrace getting older

The Absurdity of Aging

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

What’s absurd about aging? The absurdity is our culture’s attitudes towards aging. Aging is Beautiful I am 53 and, let me tell you, things have changed. In a certain sense, I’m falling apart. My hair is grey and my face wrinkled. My strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, and cardio have all… Read More

yoga for pregnancy

Yoga for Pregnancy

Pregnancy ● Melissa Mercedes

As a clinical psychologist with an interest women’s health, I am a big advocate for integrative approaches to support emotional and physical well-being in pregnant and postpartum women. Pregnancy is life-altering for women, both psychologically and physically. As we are unique individuals, pregnancy can manifest itself in a variety of… Read More

transformative power of meditation

The Absurdity of Humanity

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Transformative Power of Meditation “All knowledge comes from experience; everything else is just information.” (Albert Einstein) Our teacher is the experiences we have in our life. We cannot hear our teacher if we are not paying attention. Our brains cannot think about one thing and pay attention to something else. Read More

hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is Hatha yoga? If you google “hatha yoga definition“, you will get a wealth of info with lots of ancient texts, Sanskrit words, saints and sages and mythology. The Hatha yoga description can be complicated, contradictory and super interesting if you are into that type of stuff. How… Read More

Yoga for Beginners

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Yoga classes for beginners, whether in a studio or via beginning yoga video or even a yoga book for beginners, can vary. So please know it’s possible to dislike one class immensely while really appreciating another class. How to start doing yoga or practicing yoga? Well, as mentioned above, there… Read More

the challenge of religion

The Absurdity of Religion

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

I’m sure the title of this article could be jarring, and that is not its intent. The challenge of religion is simply another addition to our “Absurdity Series.”  For more on this, you can also read on The Absurdity of Yoga and The Absurdity of Competition.  Religion has important… Read More

The Beauty of Yoga Online

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Bryan Explains Why Online Yoga Videos Can Better Support Your Yoga Practice. The Internet and social media can be a big contributor to stress, as anything used in an unbalanced way can be harmful. The correlation between social media and depression is now apparent. So personally, when it comes to… Read More

why advanced yoga doesn't make sense

The Absurdity of Advanced Yoga Poses

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Why Advanced Yoga Doesn’t Make Sense Doing a quick Google search of “advanced yoga poses,” it seems the going definition is contorted-like positions or very hard yoga poses. To me, this is absurd for two reasons. Now, this simply may be semantics, but considering the personal nature of yoga, labeling… Read More

society and weight loss

The Absurdity of Weight Loss

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Our society’s obsession with weight loss is a cultural sickness in itself. Sure, it is true that obesity is a ubiquitous problem and is considered the cause of other health issues. For the most part, even the act of losing weight is absurd, considering 80% – 90% of people put… Read More

what is yoga all about?

The Absurdity of Yoga

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

To the Western mind, yoga is absurd. Growing up in a Christian society, we are born sinners and we need to repent. We are constantly being told in various ways, we are not good enough. Whether we are having images of “success and beauty” imprinted onto our minds (psychological fact:… Read More

Neanderthals we are!

Neanderthals We Are!

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Back in the Neanderthals period, we never had enough. We did not have enough food, shelter, warmth, safety, or clothing. Tribalism and fear were necessary for survival. Today most of us have enough of all these things, so why are fear and tribalism still our most dominant qualities like Neanderthals?… Read More

Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Yoga for High Blood Pressure | 5-Pose Routine

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Yoga is highly beneficial for any stress-related issues. Yoga for high blood pressure and yoga for hypertension are powerful tools in healing these conditions, especially with no ill byproducts, only beneficial byproducts. Stress is the largest contributor to hypertension. Yoga’s most famous attribute is… Read More

Pregnancy Yoga Poses

Best Pregnancy Yoga Poses

Pregnancy ● Melissa Mercedes

NOTE:  Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting a practice for pregnancy yoga. My pregnancy was a yoga practice in itself. When pregnant, I had so many expectations around what my practice “should” look like. And, I had a strong practice prior to pregnancy so… Read More

Prenatal Yoga Poses

What Yoga Poses to Avoid When Pregnant?

Pregnancy ● Melissa Mercedes

Disclaimer: As always, consult with your healthcare provider before engaging in any type of exercise program during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life that is ripe for nurturing, slowing down, and reflecting. Practicing yoga during pregnancy can prepare a woman’s… Read More

yoga for stress relief

Yoga for Stress Relief, Anxiety, and Depression

Yoga Benefits ● Melissa Mercedes

The confluence of Western psychology with Eastern mind-body practices such as yoga and meditation creates a ripe environment for working with emotional and psychological issues. As a result, the mental health field has witnessed an upsurge in these mind-body healing modalities to address issues ranging from mood and anxiety disorders… Read More

How to teach yoga

How to Teach Yoga

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

I like to describe teaching yoga like this: Let’s say your grandma has a great recipe for chicken soup. You love this chicken soup, it’s amazing!!! Your grandma gave you her recipe, and now you cook chicken soup all the time. One day your friend comes to your… Read More

absurdity of competition

The Absurdity of Competition

The Absurdity Series ● Bryan Kest

Why You Should Never Compare Yourself to Others (Especially in Your Yoga Practice) Could you imagine how radiation for a cancerous tumor might affect your energy levels? What about dealing with the very recent death of a loved one? Could you imagine the limitations or discomfort of being constipated or… Read More

Yoga for anxiety, depression, and trauma

Yoga For Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma

Yoga Benefits ● Melissa Mercedes

If you practice yoga, then you most likely have experienced the “high” that yoga offers—that feeling like you are grounded in your body, calm, connected, clear, and centered. In this space, it might feel like a dark cloud that was following you around prior to class has suddenly… Read More

what is power yoga

What Is Power Yoga?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

Power Yoga is an empowering yoga practice. All yoga should have the same objective, which is, essentially, “wellness”.  Wellness can be expressed in many ways using many terms. The word yoga literally translated into English means “yoke“ or “to yoke”. You can translate yoke into join, union, harmonize, or… Read More

how to learn advanced yoga poses

Advanced Yoga Poses

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

This is a subject that is certainly begging for clarification. As one gets more experienced in anything, one develops more insight and understanding pertaining to the endeavor or subject one is partaking in. Yet understanding more does not necessarily mean doing more and could very well mean doing… Read More

what is vinyasa flow yoga

What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is vinyasa hot yoga? What is vinyasa yoga good for?   Vinyasa is literally 3 movements — plank, cobra or up-dog, and down-dog. These movements are used to connect other poses to each other, as you would connect a high-pitched sound… Read More

Yoga for stress relief

Yoga for Stress Relief

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Yoga, it seems, was built to relieve stress. So how can you do yoga for stress relief? Well, yoga does this in many ways. One way is using the yoga poses to help relieve stress. One by-product of stress is physical tension. So often, you hear people complain about neck… Read More

power yoga benefits

What Are the Benefits of Power Yoga?

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

Let’s start by defining Power Yoga: Since I coined the term (but never trademarked it), I’m a good source for its definition. Well, since it’s not trademarked (even though Beryl Bender Birch tried, but since my use and others’ use was first, she couldn’t or wouldn’t), Power Yoga is just… Read More

What is hatha yoga

What is Hatha Yoga?

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

What is hatha yoga and why should we know what it is? Not sure, but maybe because over 30 million Americans and around 60 million worldwide practice yoga (and most of it is Hatha Yoga) and many more interested in trying–maybe even you? I decided to… Read More

yoga positions for beginners

Yoga Positions for Beginners

Beginners ● Melissa Mercedes

Mastering yoga positions for beginners can be helpful for the asana practitioner just starting out and the seasoned practitioner alike. Basic yoga poses create a solid foundation for you to build upon in your practice. They are simple and easy to integrate with a well-established practice. Anecdotal and scientific information… Read More

starting a yoga practice at home

Steps for Starting a Yoga Practice At Home

Beginners ● Melissa Mercedes

The growing demands on our lives in conjunction with technology’s ability to make us accessible 24/7 can leave us feeling overwhelmed and chronically stressed. This is one of the many reasons starting a yoga practice at home is important and worth implementing into your life.  Yoga is a mind-body practice… Read More

how to begin a yoga practice

How to Begin a Yoga Practice

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest

When thinking about how to begin a yoga practice, it’s important to note that it can be approached in different ways. One way to learn is of course to go to a beginners’ yoga class, where you will be guided towards how to do yoga according to that school… Read More

Benefits of hot yoga

Benefits of Hot Yoga

Yoga Benefits ● Melissa Mercedes

Yoga is the integration of mindful breathing with movement that cultivates strength, flexibility, stamina, balance and nurtures not only our physical but also psychological well-being. There are many different styles of yoga practiced in the West. One of these styles, “hot yoga”, is strongly influenced by a philosophy that suggests… Read More

benefits of yoga for women

What are the Benefits of Yoga for Women?

Pregnancy ● Melissa Mercedes

Over the past few decades, we have witnessed a confluence of Western medicine and psychological theories with ancient Eastern practices such as yoga and mindfulness meditation for addressing women’s health issues. This marriage of ideas is reflected in and supported by the many benefits of yoga for women including… Read More

Different Types of Yoga

What are the Different Types of Yoga?

Pregnancy ● Bryan Kest

In considering what type of yoga is best for you, we need to consider the types of yoga practice that are directed at creating the highest level of energy, vitality, and freedom. The only way to do this is to work with yourself, not against yourself. Whether we are doing… Read More

How to become a Yoga Teacher

How To Become A Yoga Teacher?

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

How To Share Yoga (Excerpts from Bryan Kest’s Yoga Teacher Training) What mostly separates a physical yoga practice from all other exercises is not the movements, it is the awareness. So as students and as instructors this has to be the primary agenda. To know how to become a yoga… Read More

What Are the Health Benefits of Yoga?

Yoga Benefits ● Bryan Kest

How Do We Reap the Best Benefits of Yoga? Throughout my travels and 35+ years in teaching yoga, I am constantly asked the question, “Bryan, how do I get the best benefits from my yoga practice?” The yoga poses and your experiences within the poses will bring your entire body… Read More

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