Pull Yourself Together (Extended) | Power Yoga

Health & Wellness

Lower & Upper Back

This shorter sequence with Steve is designed for a healthier stronger back poses that open and release the shoulders.

Multiple instructors




Classes in this Series

Lower Back And Hip Health
• 27 min • Tracey Goldman

Power Yoga Online Class: A Healthy Lower Back   Engaging core to support length in low back, basic poses with...

Twisting the Day & Night Away
• 32 min • Rudy Mettia

Power Yoga Online Class:Twist the Day Away   A 30 Minute practice to twist, sweat, and unwind.

Basic Spine Movements
• 34 min • Steve Jones

Power Yoga Online Class: The 5 Movements of the Spine   Flexion (Forward Bends), Extension (Back bends), Rotation (Twists), Lateral...

Neck & Shoulder Freedom
• 40 min • Mike Nader

Power Yoga Online Class: Shoulders & Neck   This is a targeted practice to develop stability and freedom in your...

Back & Core
• 35 min • Steve Jones

Power Yoga Online Class: Back At It   Begin class on your back using a strap to release tension around...

Honor Your Back
• 103 min • Bryan Kest

Start by warming the back, then the upper body in general. Then repeat for focused attention on the core. Camel...

Say Hello to Your Shoulders
• 84 min • Rudy Mettia

Say hello to shoulder strength and longs arms then take a run through the forest with some Eagle Crutches and...

Spinal Length and A Little Backbending
• 67 min • Steve Jones

This class focuses on spinal length and creating a feeling of space and evenness as you work through various backbends,...

An Hour of Floorying!
• 67 min • Bryan Kest

Something different mostly on the floor. Stamina and strength orientated.

Pull Yourself Together in 30 Minutes
• 86 min • Steve Jones

This sequence is designed for a healthier stronger back and open shoulders.

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