Cancer Recovery: Part 3 Recovery & Remission | Power Yoga

Health & Wellness

Cancer Recovery

This is the third talk as part of the Cancer Recovery series, where Hilaire discusses recovery and remission from a yogic perspective.  This part is couple with Asana 1 class –  A welcoming the body back into a gentle asana practice. Meditation and pranayama to begin to feel whole again. Changed, yet whole.

Hilaire Lockwood




Classes in this Series

Part 1: Diagnosis
• 26 min • Hilaire Lockwood

In this class we'll discuss how to process diagnosis physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. A meditation on acceptance and creating...

Part 2: Treatment
• 58 min • Hilaire Lockwood

Treatment can be brutal. Often we are too exhausted or sick for asana. The discussion will continue as we move...

Part 3: Recovery & Remission
• 56 min • Hilaire Lockwood

This is the third talk as part of the Cancer Recovery series, where Hilaire discusses recovery and remission from a...

Part 4: Rediscovery of Self
• 19 min • Hilaire Lockwood

This vinyasa practice is about truly being in your new body. Understanding fully what that means. Honoring it and yet...

Asana 1: Recovery and Transmission
• 41 min • Hilaire Lockwood

Part of the Cancer Recovery Series: Asana Class 1 A welcoming the body back into a gentle asana practice. Meditation and...

Asana 2: Rediscovery of Self
• 51 min • Hilaire Lockwood

Cancer Recovery Asana Class 2. This class is part of the Part 4 Rediscovery of Self. This vinyasa practice is about...

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