Online Yoga Video Class: Stress Reduction | Power Yoga

Relax & Let Go

Stress Reduction

Power Yoga Online Class: Stress Reduction

  Dial down the stress and nurture the relaxation response (e.g., parasympathetic nervous system), where we can learn to soften and relax, stepping into a place of surrender and less reaction. Recommended Props: 2 Blocks, Bolster, Blanket.

Melissa Mercedes


31 mins




February 27, 2024

dkaplan, on the Stress Reduction class.


March 26, 2022

mcutillo, on the Stress Reduction class.

January 20, 2021

francesca.i.roberts, on the Stress Reduction class.

November 24, 2020

Melinda, on the Stress Reduction class.

September 2, 2020

Caron, on the Stress Reduction class.

July 10, 2020

Beth, on the Stress Reduction class.

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