Yoga Teachers Archives | Power Yoga

Yoga Teachers

To Be Or Not To Be A Yoga Teacher

Online Teacher Training ● Bryan Kest

Do you want to share your yoga practice and the myriad of benefits with others? If so, then you would want the best yoga teacher training right? Now, “the best” may mean different things to different people so let’s clarify. First, what type of yoga are you interested in sharing?

How to Teach Yoga?

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

I like to describe teaching yoga like this: Let’s say your grandma has a great recipe for chicken soup. You love this chicken soup, it’s amazing!!! Your grandma gave you her recipe, and now you cook chicken soup all the time. One day your friend comes to your house to visit. They say, “What smells so […]

Yoga Teacher Training Questions, Tips & FAQs

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

If you are anything like me, at some point early in your entrée to the yoga world, you experienced a blissful high at the end of a yoga class. In the beginning you may have been pessimistic, questioning if this feeling was “real” or just some figment of your imagination. The dark clouds following you […]

How to Teach Yoga

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

I like to describe teaching yoga like this: Let’s say your grandma has a great recipe for chicken soup. You love this chicken soup, it’s amazing!!! Your grandma gave you her recipe, and now you cook chicken soup all the time. One day your friend comes to your house to visit. He says, “what smells […]

How To Teach Your First Yoga Class

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

This is a great topic for me, as I remember my first class well. I also have a perspective on teaching your first yoga class, and any yoga class for that matter. Many have asked me: “How should I get started? How should I teach my first yoga class?” For me, the foundation of teaching […]

What Are the Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training?

Online Teacher Training ● Bryan Kest

Yoga teacher training: What to expect, how to prepare, and benefits. So apropos, as I am currently in the midst of my five-day, 40-hour Power Yoga Teacher Training & Immersion. How to prepare for yoga teacher training? You may get as many answers to this question as times you ask the question. Each training will […]

How To Become A Yoga Teacher?

Yoga Teachers ● Bryan Kest

How To Share Yoga (Excerpts from Bryan Kest’s Yoga Teacher Training) What mostly separates a physical yoga practice from all other exercises is not the movements, it is the awareness. So as students and as instructors this has to be the primary agenda. To know how to become a yoga teacher or simply put, how […]

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