Online Teacher Training | Power Yoga

Power Yoga’s
8-Week Online Teacher Training

Aloha everyone!

All true wellness and health come from a calm and peaceful mind. And I’m excited to offer my unique Online Teacher Training grounded in this belief. This course is designed to empower you and provide an environment where your own unique understanding and perspective of yoga emerge out of direct experience and dialogue and you become confident in sharing it.

Ultimately, I want you to emerge with a sense of your own style grounded by the life experiences that have informed you as well as your own consistent practice.

In this course, I share everything I’ve learned in my 41 years of yoga practice and 35 years of teaching yoga.

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Curriculum Topics


Orientation, Getting Started


Objective of Yoga Practice


Breath, Cultivating Joy, Meditation in Motion, Art of Yoga


Sequencing, Alignment


Finishing Poses & Cool Downs, Savasana, Working with Injuries, Adjustments


The Art of Teaching Yoga, Personalized Routine


Review your work and go deeper


Accessibility, Things to Know as an Instructor, The Yoga of Business

Over these 8 weeks:

  • Develop and strengthen your own voice
  • Discover your unique style and approach
  • Strengthen your asana practice
  • Learn to meditate & explore the benefits of meditation
  • Learn a complete sequence of flowing poses that you can share immediately
  • Learn the multi-dynamic possibilities of all yoga poses

My online teacher training course is intended for fellow yogis who hope to step outside their comfort zone and expand upon their practice mentally and physically. See how Power Yoga’s Online Teacher training might be right for you!

See Our Frequently asked Questions
With over 41 years of yoga experience and 36 years as a teacher, I knows what it feels like to be in your shoes.

As the inventor of Power Yoga and the creator of, I have incorporated my methodology and experience into a practice that is anything but generic. While yoga is frequently instructed by teachers of varying backgrounds, methods, and experiences, the practice you teach is part of YOUR journey. Don’t wait to let me help you begin that journey!

Sign up below to be notified when enrollment for our next OTT is open.

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For Members

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who wants to deepen their practice, has the desire to share a deep practice, and enrich their range of offerings.

  • Those who expect a “traditional” training.
  • Those who have never experienced Bryan Kest in person or online.*
  • Those who have expectations.
  • Those who don’t like immense physicality and expanded mentality.

*We highly recommend you familiarize yourself with Bryan’s style and approach to yoga by taking a few in-person or online classes with him before committing to this training.

  • Video discourse with Bryan
  • Articles to accompany video discourse
  • 3 LIVE Q&A calls (1 Orientation Call with PY Team + 2 calls with Bryan)
  • A closed Online Yoga Teacher Training Community Facebook group (optional)
  • Audio Meditations
  • Short quizzes on the articles
  • Discussion forums
  • Developing unique flow sequences
  • Maintaining a teaching log
  • Maintaining a practice log
  • Video samples
  • Completing a final reflection paper

Expect to spend at least 2-3 hours per week on course material not including developing and logging a personal practice, memorizing and practicing the provided Brahma sequence, and taking additional yoga classes online or in-person. We recommend a minimum of 3 asana practices per week (at least one self-led personal practice and 2 practices with other teachers and/or other online practices with Bryan plus the Brahma).

The course is designed to be completed in 8 weeks but you will have up to 6 months to complete the course at your own pace.

Upon final completion, individuals will receive a certification of completion from Power Yoga.

Upon final completion and approval by Power Yoga Teacher Training Team, individuals will receive a certification of completion from Power Yoga. The courses offered by Power Yoga are for information purposes only and do not make you eligible for certification by any governing or accreditation body to teach yoga. Power Yoga is not a member of any yoga-related governing or accreditation body and, therefore, cannot guarantee that the curriculum meets the standards developed by such organizations.

The online teacher training starts on Monday, October 23rd 2023. The training is designed to be completed in 8 weeks but you will have up to 6 months to complete the course at your own pace.

Yes! All the videos are available at your own convenience. Your assignments will be mailed in and for the LIVE Q&A calls you can submit your questions in advance and watch the recording if you can’t attend LIVE.

This teacher training will qualify as a 60-hour training.

You have access to all course materials for one year. Articles may be downloaded and yours to keep. Videos are not downloadable but you will have access to the videos for one year.

Students may cancel their Online Teacher Training up until Friday, October 27, 2023, but will be charged a $95 administration fee for the cancellation process. After that time, there will be no cancellations or refunds whatsoever. In cases of unforeseen injury or serious documented emergencies, students can re-enroll and complete a future Online Teacher Training for an administrative fee of $95.

Your Instructor

Bryan Kest

He initially studied in Hawaii with David Williams, the first person to bring Ashtanga yoga to America. He then studied in India with K. Pattabhi Jois, the main proponent of Ashtanga yoga. Kest has been teaching yoga since 1985. “My primary objective”, says Kest, “besides turning more and more people on to a healthier, more peaceful lifestyle that continually challenges them to grow, is to teach a system of exercise that fully integrates the body, mind, and spirit.

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