Free Yoga Videos

Free yoga videos

You could say the best yoga videos are free yoga videos. I wouldn’t say that, though. Free is nice, no doubt, but what is nicer is quality. So let’s start again, the best yoga videos are high-quality free yoga videos! High-quality is not a reference to the photography, although high quality footage is nice, it’s a reference to the instructor.

The Best Free Yoga Videos are From an Experienced Instructor

As with everything, experience is our greatest teacher, so the more experienced the instructor, chances are the higher the quality online yoga class. If you are fairly new to yoga, do a little research on the instructor’s free yoga videos you are watching. Their bio, notes, comments, and reviews of their classes may be available. Be open-minded about yoga’s multitude of expressions, as one class does not represent all. The many expressions of yoga represent the many personalities of the instructors, and there is a good chance you will find more than one instructor you resonate with.

Besides style varieties, you will also find free yoga videos for beginner, intermediate and advanced practices. Yet if not, remember, not all the world’s amazing yoga classes are free online yoga classes. Some may charge a fee to access their classes and online archives. I believe here we have found a nice balance, offering a few of the best free yoga videos, which we rotate monthly. Free high-quality online yoga videos, led by highly experienced and locally popular instructors here at Santa Monica Power Yoga and Meditation.

Our free online classes give people a chance to have access to our amazing high-quality online yoga classes, regardless of their situation, as is in line with our philosophy that this sacred, special and healing practice should be available to all. This is why our Santa Monica, Ca. (USA) studio is run on donation basis.

We are dedicated to giving our best to all. Our studio is an amazing place to practice for doctors, musicians, contractors, movie stars, homeless people along with students, housewives, retirees and anyone else who desires some time dedicated to the type of fitness that includes silence and meditation, which adds up to calmness and relaxation, side by side with the most dynamic, well-rounded exercise on Earth.

Indulging in our free online yoga classes, you will find yourself right in the midst of our daily, public classes which have been recorded live in our Santa Monica Power Yoga and Meditation studio in the heart of the Southern California yoga scene. Those who would like even more variety and access hundreds of classes at pennies per class can subscribe to our online yoga studio’s video library where you could literally do a different online yoga class every day for years without repeating the same class. Yet you will repeat classes and add them to your favorites as you find classes that just hit the right spot for you. Some yoga classes are like songs that just never get old. Hopefully you will find that to be the case with our free yoga video offerings, as we try to upload a nice variety of classes and change the classes monthly.

Power Yoga is a special class that’s designed to be dynamic yet approachable. Power Yoga meets you where you are at and leads you to a wellspring of lightness, freedom and energy. Come check it out:

– Bryan Kest

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