Classic Santa Monica Power Yoga collectors T-shirt
- This very high quality tee is truly the classic Santa Monica Power Yoga t-shirt. It is one of a kind and now that this studio has been closed for a few years these Tees are collectibles. When you wear this shirt you are representing the classic first of its kind, kick the American yoga scene in the ass donation based yoga studio. This studio rocked Los Angeles and put its imprint on the world yoga scene no doubt.
- This is my original Santa Monica Power Yoga studio logo silk screened to a high quality alternative apparel or comparable t-shirt. Within this simple logo you have the sun, sea, studio name and a reminder to you and all to “breathe”. Represent proudly folks. This iconic original donation based Power Yoga studio was at the epicenter of the world wide yoga explosion.
Angela –
I love the pine colored tee. It’s so soft and perfectly shaped. The neckline isn’t too high or too low. Not to mention, it’s a collector’s item from my old “home!”