Yipee | Power Yoga

Past Livestreams


Thu, 01/27/22: Using all three warmup sequences to encompass the whole class with a few add on poses to really make this feel complete. This class will keep you moving and get you through anywhere you may feel stuck.

Bryan Kest


70 mins




So great, thank you!

January 25, 2024

suzannesmd, on the Yipee class.

Loved this class from beginning to end. Felt all- the stretch, flexibility, balance & strength and of course the joy & benevolence shone through.

January 20, 2024

Jackie, on the Yipee class.

Rejuvenating, energy moving flow

March 20, 2022

Ana, on the Yipee class.

Simple, sweet, stretchy, strengthening, not overwhelming- really loved this.

February 19, 2022

SK, on the Yipee class.

You bring joy to so many! Great flow and love the background color - so warm.

February 3, 2022

Martha, on the Yipee class.

Great class Bryan and Melissa! Wish the name of the class was "Baggage may have shifted during flight" :) Thank you for that phrase Bryan! How completely appropriate to how we often can move through class, and Life, without stopping to think about what transpired, or changed or affected us. We just keep on going without taking notice of the "shift"... Thank you as always for sharing great wisdom, insights, and chuckles. :)

February 2, 2022

Janeen, on the Yipee class.

Beautiful class! And I love the background color you chose!!! Thank you!

February 1, 2022

Lisa, on the Yipee class.


January 31, 2022

debbie, on the Yipee class.

Magnificent class- beautiful flow of sequences

January 31, 2022

akuyoe, on the Yipee class.

This is a wonderful wonderful class. The best part is the last three minutes.

January 30, 2022

Julia, on the Yipee class.

This was wonderful! The new colors are wonderful! The color brings out Melissa's glow and relaxed strong flow. Puts a nice glow on both Bryan and Melissa's faces????

January 29, 2022

Suzanne, on the Yipee class.

OOO...eeee... that flow was definitely a challenge to my stamina!! A few breaks were in order today. But always appreciate the unexpected, keeping us on our toes:) Loads of gratitude ! Btw... loved the color on the back wall, working on balancing that sacral chakra:)

January 29, 2022

michelleja2727, on the Yipee class.

so wonderful as always, thank you Brian

January 29, 2022

Carola, on the Yipee class.

Disappointed that we missed the livestream today, but "yippee!" that we were able to participate in this recorded version...a nice flow that really moved. Loved that renditions of the warm up sequences comprised most of the class and brought us to the real work of the meditation. As always, thank you Bryan and Melissa. Brian and Lea

January 27, 2022

Leatha, on the Yipee class.

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