These Glutes are Made for Walking | Power Yoga

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These Glutes are Made for Walking

Strength movement - Warrior I - Shiva Squats.

Desiree Crossman


11 mins




December 16, 2021

wilson.franca.92, on the These Glutes are Made for Walking class.

Super but at about the 7:56 mark there is a weird edit that introduces a totally different pose. Perhaps that can be fixed?

January 14, 2021

christine.suarez, on the These Glutes are Made for Walking class.

Great workout, I’m a dude who can say these “girlie” workouts do wonders for a male frame. Thanks for sharing the gluteal fire!! Matthew in Amityville

January 8, 2021

mcutillo, on the These Glutes are Made for Walking class.

Nice short sequence; I did this along with another video, to make a longer sequence.

January 3, 2021

Andrew, on the These Glutes are Made for Walking class.

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