Strong Legs | Power Yoga

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Strong Legs

Work some long holds in standing poses.

Dan Ward


65 mins




February 21, 2024

Tina, on the Strong Legs class.

You really get a chance to delve deeper into each pose, felt luxurious but also really challenging. Wonderful

February 15, 2024

Janepark, on the Strong Legs class.

February 11, 2024

Chigusa, on the Strong Legs class.

This appears to be a very mild class, but if you listen intently and follow Dan’s perfect suggestions for tweaks in the pose, you’ll leave feeling like every fiber in your yoga body has been touched. He has that innate ability to give that tip at the perfect time. Able to enjoy the full poses without injury.

February 10, 2024

Lynn, on the Strong Legs class.

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