I Wish For More Hips | Power Yoga

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I Wish For More Hips

A little extra warmups and other poses to create heat and then deep into the hips.

Bryan Kest


65 mins



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October 5, 2023

BDKP, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

Sweet as xxxx????????

August 12, 2022

Justine, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

Feeling good now. Thank you

August 7, 2022

Alyson, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

Enjoyed immensely, despite missing a sequence on one side. As always, thank you BK :)

July 31, 2022

Pamela, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

June 26, 2022

Cologne, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

Loved this, several times now and will revisit thank you dearly Bryan and lovely people

June 17, 2022

mcutillo, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

June 11, 2022

vthorp, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

Won't be doing this class again. A whole sequence was missed on one side. But more importantly, I found the sexual references nauseating -- I felt violated on behalf of the women who were in the class with Bryan. Not cool.

June 9, 2022

Julia, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

June 2, 2022

fiore1905, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

May 31, 2022

Tatiana, on the I Wish For More Hips class.

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