10,000 Kisses | Power Yoga

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10,000 Kisses

Sun, 02/06/22: Just as 10,000 kisses could be associated with sweet suffering this class may be the same--strong, long and dynamic with all 3 warmup sequences, powerful interlocked lunges, cryangles, birds of paradise, and a few deep stretches. meditation included:))))

Bryan Kest


108 mins



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10,000 Thanks of Muchas Gracias Amigos xxoo

February 20, 2022

mcutillo, on the 10,000 Kisses class.

Amazing!!! Thank you both so much.

February 13, 2022

julie.fongemy, on the 10,000 Kisses class.

a great midweek wring and rinse kinda class...cheers bryan and melissa

February 9, 2022

tipilivin, on the 10,000 Kisses class.

Wow! This is quite a class, and I had fun trying out that bird-of-paradise sequence.

February 8, 2022

Julia, on the 10,000 Kisses class.

Super intense class makes me feel super humble -- Brian, Peoria Heights, Ill.

February 8, 2022

bc_ludwig, on the 10,000 Kisses class.

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