What is Power Yoga? | Power Yoga

The Power Yoga difference!

The goal of Power Yoga is balance, wellness, and feeling amazing!

Not A Generic Fitness Practice

We are all going through so much and all of this is affecting us. A generic fitness practice will not accommodate all of our needs. An example: If you have lower back pain, your normal running routine may be inappropriate. If you just discovered you’re pregnant, that vigorous class might be dangerous to the embryo. If you are getting up there in years, that same old thing you always have done becomes out of date.”

Power Yoga is…

a calm and peaceful mind. A strong physical practice needs to be grounded in a strong mental practice.
Power Yoga believes a calm and peaceful mind is:

More centered and objective

More accepting of life and its fluctuations

More in tune with the body, feelings, and intuition

Less dominated by habits and addictive behavior

Less reactive to outer situations

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