Hey yogis!
I love yoga. I teach a power-vinyasa flow class with an emphasis on alignment and breath, and variations for students at all levels. During the class, we work on mindfulness as well as physical asana. I play uplifting music and keep the class fun and challenging. Yoga has improved every aspect of my life. It has helped me overcome issues with depression and anxiety. Being more awake is a gift that this practice gives us, and I try to pass on all I have learned along my path to my students.
I got my 200 hr certification at YogaWorks under senior trainers David Kim and Jesse Schein. I have been a student at Power Yoga for 6 years, studying mostly with Vytas and Rudy. This studio is an amazing place and I am so honored to be teaching here.
Thanks to Vytas, Rudy, Travis, Bryan, Vinnie, Jesse, David, and a special thanks to my main mentor Sara Ivanhoe. I am constantly inspired and humbled by all of you.
Keep doing yoga. Get out of your own way. Enjoy life. Smile. Breathe.