Beginners Archives | Power Yoga


Integrating Meditation Into Daily Life

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Life is busy! Although technology has made some tasks easier it has allowed us to take on more! Our attention is being pulled in multiple directions, simultaneously creating much more stress than any other time in recorded history. Never before has meditation been so important to our health.

Beginner’s Guide to Yoga

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

A beginner’s guide to yoga could include many different topics. Honestly, it could be a book and there are probably many books on this topic. Just describing the different styles of yoga could be a book, let alone the topics that could be created in introducing yoga. When I first decided to write this article, […]

Is Power Yoga Good for Beginners?

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Power Yoga is well-suited for a diverse range of people and certainly, beginners are within that range. Personally, I feel that power yoga is the best place for beginners to start their yoga journey. Yet, I am biased toward the type of Power Yoga I share. Unlike many other types of yoga, Power Yoga is […]

Fitness Yoga for Beginners

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Which yoga is best for fitness? What is fitness yoga? Is there fitness yoga for beginners? You might find yourself asking these questions – but first things first – fitness yoga might not be what you think of when you think of “fitness.” It might not be too far away from your ideas of fitness, […]

Yoga for Beginners

Beginners ● Bryan Kest

Yoga classes for beginners, whether in a studio or via beginning yoga video or even a yoga book for beginners, can vary. So please know it’s possible to dislike one class immensely while really appreciating another class. How to start doing yoga or practicing yoga? Well, as mentioned above, there are classes, yoga books for […]

Yoga Positions for Beginners

Beginners ● Melissa Mercedes

Mastering yoga positions for beginners can be helpful for the asana practitioner just starting out and the seasoned practitioner alike. Basic yoga poses create a solid foundation for you to build upon in your practice. They are simple and easy to integrate with a well-established practice. Anecdotal and scientific information is readily available on the […]

Steps for Starting a Yoga Practice At Home

Beginners ● Melissa Mercedes

The growing demands on our lives in conjunction with technology’s ability to make us accessible 24/7 can leave us feeling overwhelmed and chronically stressed. This is one of the many reasons starting a yoga practice at home is important and worth implementing into your life.  Yoga is a mind-body practice that supports slowing down and […]

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