Events | Power Yoga

Power Yoga Events

Find out if Bryan Kest is heading your way. Experience his special program LIVE!

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Tai Chi – Lesson 6: Golden Rooster Stands on 1 Leg into Heel Kick

45 min •Terry Kvasnik

Getting into our one leg balance here and experiencing how continuous core engagement is fundamental to proper practice of these seemingly simple movements. For those looking to be supreme in their one legged balancing abilities this is the lesson for you. Warming up with my Winding Waist routine to loosen…

Fast-track Flow

36 min •Byron de Marsé

A ladder class designed around building strength and stability.

Moderation is Key

76 min •Bryan Kest

Strength and stretch no leg balance.

Side Body Release

29 min •Steve Jones

A thorough investigation of the side body helping to release tension from your IT band, and outer hips, all the way up to your shoulders.